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According to the Ayurveda philosophy, there are three main principles that comprise human physiology. These energies are known as Doshas and include Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each dosha is composed of a combination of two of the following elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth. In Ayurveda, it is believed that these five elements make up the earth. Vata is composed of space and air; Pitta is composed of fire and water; And Kapha is composed of water and earth. When combined, these three doshas are responsible for all the activities that occur within us.

VATA - Air & Ether

As they have ether and air they are governed by change and instability, so their body tends to change quickly. (Example of air as breeze or hurricane = instability).

PITTA - Fire & Water

Pitta is ruled by fire. The fire can give a warm and pleasant, soft and tender heat, but it can also be overwhelming and burn everything with its bad mood, its rage.

KAPHA - Water & Earth

Kapha is ruled by water and land. It can bring stability, confidence, fertility, but it can also loathe for its lethargy its stagnation, its slowness.

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